Event Pick: Late Summer Lawn Parties at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden

Aug. 27 and 28

Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. That succulent nugget of humidity-inspired wisdom by author Sam Keen will be put into action during the Late Summer Lawn Parties on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 27 and 28, at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. The air will be filled with sounds of ragtime music and strolling barbershop quartets on the lawn of historic Bloemendaal, the original home of the Lakeside Wheel Club. Informal tours, historical displays and interactive demonstrations will cover the bicycling craze of the 19th century between face-stuffing sessions, yard-game competitions, leisurely walks through Grace Arents’ garden and, most important, the blissful, fleeting joy of doing nothing. For information on all the activities and events planned, call 262-9887 or visit lewisginter.org.


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