Event Pick: David Cross at the Carpenter Theatre

Feb. 21

On many occasions, David Cross has rendered me useless. Nobody else in the modern ha-ha game has had me convulsing on the floor more than him. I’ve been a rabid, giggling fan of the Georgia-born comedian’s work ever since “Mr. Show,” the groundbreaking HBO sketch comedy series — reborn as “W/Bob & David” on Netflix — created and written by Cross and Bob “Better Call Saul” Odenkirk. I’ve busted innumerable guts seeing Cross in his many film and television roles, such as on “Arrested Development.” But his stand-up performances are where I have the most fits. The comedian brings his first comedy tour in six years, “Making America Great Again,” to Richmond on Sunday, Feb. 21, for a masterful night of life-affirming and hilarious deadpan cynicism. Doors open for one-night only performance at the Carpenter Theatre at 8. Tickets are $35. richmondcenterstage.com.


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