Few groups are as prolific as Butcher Brown. Consisting of guitarist Keith Askey, bassist Andrew Randazzo, drummer Corey Fonville and keyboardist Devonne Harris, the group and house band for Richmond label Jellowstone Records is always making music. Butcher Brown’s 2015 release, “Grown Folk,” is a headphone masterpiece of groove-based fusions. Refreshingly concise, the instrumental 20-track album simmers with an understated grace that grows and expands with repeated listens. On Friday, Jan. 8, the funkier-than-a-mosquito’s-tweeter collection of musicians’ musicians bring their ever-evolving jazzed-up, hip-hop funk to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts for a performance in the Cochrane Atrium. The thinking person’s dance party runs from 6-8 p.m. Admission is free. vmfa.museum.