Blanko Basnet makes a diaphanous brand of pop. Pellucid in its melodic iridescence, the Durham, North Carolina, quartet delivers pleasant psychotropic effects like a modern, mellowed version of the XTC side project, Dukes of the Stratosphere. Think Pink Floyd without the baggage psychedelia, wafting from the speakers in billowing clouds of tightly controlled noncarcinogenic smoke. Free of jam-band redundancies, Blanko Basnet turns on, tunes in and drops out without the need for intoxicants. It brings an uncluttered journey to the center of your mind Thursday, May 28, at Sound of Music Recording Studios. Joining will be Richmond pop experimentalists Way, Shape or Form, the arithmetic rock of Houdan the Mystic, and fusionists Dumb Waiter. Doors open at 8 p.m. Admission is $5.