Easter Weekend Options in Richmond

It's not all eggs and chocolate.

Free the Kiddos

For some Easter egg-citement, Maymont plays host to Dominion Family Easter on April 15, with kid-friendly events on the carriage-house lawn from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be food vendors all day, with activities and games at the Hoppin’ Fun and Eggtivity zones. Activity passes are $15, Easter puns are free. maymont.org.

Fancy Hats on Parade

Less of a parade and more of a “finally, it’s spring” festival, the annual Easter on Parade takes place on Monument Avenue, blocked off between Davis and Allen. Music, food trucks and dogs wearing bonnets so festive even your great-grandmother would be jealous. Best of all, it’s free. April 16, 1-5 p.m. venturerichmond.com.

Spring Flowers

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden presents an Easter weekend full of blooming flowers, brunch, children’s activities and photo ops with Peter Rabbit himself. April 15-16 from 1-4 p.m. All included with admission to the garden, $8-$13. Easter brunch on Sunday with seating starting at 10 a.m., for an additional charge. lewisginter.org.

Ever Heard of Dyngus Day?

Neither had we. But you can celebrate Dyngus Day when Castleburg Brewery honors this post-Easter, Polish-American tradition with Polish food, Polish beer and this thing called the Miss Dyngus Day pageant. Watch for thrown water and pussy willow branches. Free admission, April 17 from 5-9 p.m. castleburgbrewery.com.

Rise and Shine

Godfrey’s legendary drag queens are throwing on their Easter best for this holiday drag brunch. $10 with a golden ticket. April 16, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. facebook.com/godfreysnightclub.


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