City Priorities

Obamacare, dog deaths and same-sex benefits: a peek at Richmond City Council's plans.

City Council’s legislative agenda for the coming General Assembly session includes requests to:

• Implement the Affordable Care Act by expanding Medicaid coverage to anyone earning less than 133 percent of poverty line — $14,400 for an individual and $29,300 for a family of four.

• Give localities the authority to make it unlawful to kill dogs on sight when they are attacking chickens. The request follows the city’s decision to allow backyard chickens.

• Give localities the authority to extend employee health insurance and related benefits coverage to include other qualified adults. The request would allow the city to extend benefits to the spouses of employees in legal, out-of-state same-sex marriages.

• Have the state Crime Commission study the use of criminal history information in employee hiring and its impact on offender re-entry. The request follows the city’s decision to stop asking certain job applicants whether they’ve been convicted of felonies.


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