City Hall Employee Leaves to Run for Council

Andreas Addison says he wants to "make every project in City Hall work."

Andreas Addison, a former City of Richmond employee with a knack for using computers to help citizens, is running for the First District seat on City Council. That spot is being vacated by Jon Baliles, who is running for mayor.

Addison says in a release that when he arrived in Richmond from Virginia Tech, “I was passionate to use what I had learned to help this place reach its full potential.”

He worked for six years at RichmondWorks, a department that tracks performance. In his position as Civic Innovator he pushed Richmond to participate in the IBM Smarter Cities Challenge, which provides advice from IBM consultants about management.

He also helped launch a system through which Richmond residents can access information about city government online and implemented SeeClickFix.

The 2004 Hokie grad has an MBA from the University of Richmond and serves on the board of CodeVa, which encourages digital education.

In an online post, Addison shares the reasons he’s decided to leave his city post to run for Council.

Jonathan Cruise also is a candidate in the First District, according to the Virginia Public Access Project, as well as Harry Warner Jr., a consultant with West Avenue Associates who was part of the Save the Diamond committee, which offered an alternative plan for baseball on the Boulevard.


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