Steve Boschen, Todd Minnich and Kirk Morton, stars of the Richmond Triangle Players, reprise their roles as the ladies of fictional NALOG, the “North American Lady Organists Guild,” in the satirical musical comedy “The Stops.” Considering the combination of evangelical Christianity, cross-dressing and politics in flowery dresses and large pumps, prepare to be amused, offended or just shocked. But the show isn’t all chicks and giggles; it’s been accepted to the 2006 National Gay and Lesbian Theatre Festival, where 20,000 attendees can see the Lady Organists strut their stuff in Columbus, Ohio, in early September. Can’t make the trek? To tune up for their big gig, the Lady Organists appear in six preview performances at Fieldens Cabaret Theatre: Aug 24-26 and Sept. 1-2 at 8 p.m., with a Sunday matinee Aug. 27 at 4 p.m. Tickets are $14-$20. Call 346-8113 or visit For the National Gay and Lesbian Theatre Festival, visit