Can Can Brasserie was the setting for Heidi Story’s spring fashion show, “Feel Yummy Head to Toe,” held on April 24. The designer unveiled garments from her own collection as […]
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When Anjali Kamra moved to Richmond for her husband’s job two years ago, she didn’t know what was in her future. As a New York fashion designer with a degree […]
Stay cool and beautiful with these delicate accessories for summer.
New York artist Cat Chow recently rolled into Richmond for a May show at Quirk Gallery. Her famous dresses cut classic silhouettes from everyday materials. The show runs through June […]
When Jenny Hord and her husband were living in the country near Blacksburg, they became ill after drinking bad water. They headed for a health-food store, seeking ways to cleanse […]
A grand gala takes guests into the tunnel entrance of the renovated state Capitol.
Richmond’s answer to Tiffany’s blue box is back up to speed.New owners took over all three of Richmond’s Schwarzschild Jewelers locations last month. Aside from a more hands-on attitude toward […]
“Front Row” by Jerry Oppenheimer (St. Martin’s Press), $24.95Everyone knows the biggest devil in fashion is Vogue editor Anna Wintour. The media has not been kind to her reputation, immortalized […]
Think aluminum is the heaviest metal you can recycle? Think again. This month Quirk Gallery’s vault is filled with jewelry “mined” from the community.The Radical Jewelry Makeover project, headed by […]
Spring fashions are a night-and-day duo of colorful ensembles and black-and-white silhouettes.
Brionna Nomi and her husband, Michael Broth, set up Wilted Roses three years ago as an all-purpose platform company to help capitalize on their creativity. From scarves to sign-painting, you […]
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