Cameron Beall, 12

Bailey Bridge Middle

“He raced most of the season with that old hand-me-down throwaway bike,” his mom says. “It became his tool to succeed.”

In October, after racing for only one year, Cameron became the Virginia BMX State Champion for the 12-year-old rookie class. And recently, he placed fourth in the BMX Nationals in Tennessee.

“I enjoy the competition and the fact that it’s a unique sport,” Cameron says. “I also enjoy the fact that not a lot of people participate in the sport and are successful at it.”

Now in the sixth grade, Cameron is in honor classes and tutors other students in math. He plays and reads music for the drums and the French horn. He helps teach kickboxing with his mom, who is a fitness director at the Woodlake Aquatic and Fitness Center, and he helps distribute food to the homeless in the Richmond area.

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