Beyond the Eyeliner

If you watch television, you’ve heard The Bravery. Its synth-laden electro-pop songs are staples on shows such as “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Ugly Betty” and “Gossip Girl.” Saturn even snagged the group for a SKY Roadster spot. So it would be easy to write the New York quintet off as sellouts who found a formula that worked and milked it.

But the release of an impressive sophomore album, “The Sun and the Moon,” and fiery live shows prove that the guys want more than “ones to watch status” and flash-in-the-pan success.

In addition to being advertisement darlings, the band has toured with megastars such as U2 and Depeche Mode. Jay-Z noted that The Bravery’s video for “An Honest Mistake” was “the best white boy video” he’s ever seen. So that’s something.

The members’ eyeliner and black polished nails remain, but they’re more subdued now, and their latest release is an organic amalgamation of sound that explores Motown, classic rock and a tinge of country. But they haven’t abandoned their new wave-infused style just yet, and they soon plan to release a remix album of previously released songs. Fans can expect to hear a set list that runs the gamut from hipster-chic grooves, pulsing dance tracks and possibly a ballad or two to help them catch their breaths. S

The Bravery wraps up their headlining tour with Straylight Run and Conshafter Friday, Nov. 16, at 8 p.m. at Toad’s Place. Tickets are $15-$18. Call 648-TOAD or visit

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