Second Place: Napoleon Taxi
Third Place: To the Bottom and Back / the Hop RVA
Voters consider Uber the hands-down easiest, fastest way to snag a ride across Richmond. Heck, your first ride is even free with the app-based service and you can earn free lifts by referring your friends. With treks from Fan to Carytown ranging from $5-$7, it’s usually cheaper than a cab too — though many companies are working to be more competitive, including their own high-tech answers. The Uber app allows you to rate your driver, so everyone is relatively courteous, prompt and driving a clean ride. Word to the wise: Finish your drink before making your request, because these folks might be right around the corner and ready to pick you up ASAP. You haven’t abandoned taxis altogether, and cab drivers are grateful, given Napoleon’s status as a vote-getter. It’s still a strong, reliable brand in town. And despite your ballots, we hate to break it to you folks, To the Bottom and Back hasn’t been in operation for a while. Our guess is that sometimes double-vision makes it hard to pay attention to names. What you’re looking for, people, is the Hop RVA, a free ride (with donations requested) on Friday and Saturday nights, running between Carytown and Shockoe Bottom. The bus, which launched last summer, lets you track its whereabouts on GPS and teases a Sunday brunch route soon.