Best Richmond Metal or Hardcore Group

First Place: Gwar

Second Place: Lamb of God

Third Place: Gritter

When you think Richmond metal, two names tower above the rest, because of popularity, experience — and buckets of blood and vomit. This year, voters are placing age and experience above record sales, with the long-running, legendary art freak collective, Gwar, taking the No. 1 spot from the internationally famous Lamb of God. Both bands are still going strong with a host of projects. Two years since losing its frontman Dave Brockie, Gwar is soldiering on with Michael Bishop at the helm. Also, it’s running the popular GwarBar restaurant in Jackson Ward and just announced another crazy Gwar B-Q for this summer at Hadad’s Lake, on Aug. 20. In addition to touring the globe, Lamb of God has seen a ton of activity by frontman Randy Blythe, including a popular new book, “Dark Days,” about his problems in the Czech Republic, as well as a new documentary film he’s working on with actor Billy Bob Thornton — oh, and a futuristic sci-fi novel. The guy is making a run for James Franco-levels of productivity. Gritter has been issuing the heavy riffs since 2008 and just released a new EP, “Vultures.”


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