First place:
Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10K
Second place: Capital Trail
Third place: Belle Isle
Named by USA Today as one of the 10 great road races in the United States, the Monument Avenue 10K has become something of a rite of passage for certain health-minded people in Richmond. A festive occasion with thousands of spectators, the 6.2-mile race passes through the city’s most historic avenue and has been known to have more than 25,000 registered runners, making it one of the largest 10Ks in America.
They just had the 20th running of the event last month, which was won by Philo Germano, a 23-year-old Syracuse University track star who lives in Charlottesville: He finished the 6.2 miles in 29 minutes and 34 seconds. Bethany Sachtleben, 27, of Fairfax County, was the fastest female runner with a finishing time of 32 minutes and 39 seconds. Congrats to them. Another great thing to remember, while you’re running or walking off those calories so you can live forever, is that the Massey Cancer Center is one of the charitable partners, and the Massey Fundraising Challenge helps support world-class cancer research. A great cause indeed, so it’s a win-win.