The idea behind the Best of Richmond issue was to ask our in-the-know readers to vote for their favorites in over 100 diverse categories, so we could create an insider’s guide to the best things in the city in 2024.
First, we had you nominate your favorites back in February. Then the three nominees with the most votes advanced to the final round in March, when we gave you a multiple-choice quiz and over 125,000 of you voted in the categories of arts and culture, dining and nightlife, people and places and goods and services.
Since we cover the city and its fascinating stories all year long, we fleshed out the issue with our own editorial picks from staff and freelancers, which include everything from the year’s best viral moment to best queer mover and shaker, most unlikely place to catch a drag show and most unlikely RVA icon: which (spoiler alert) is a cat named Francine that lives at the Lowe’s at 1640 W. Broad St. Bet you didn’t see that one coming.
View the winners in each of the following categories: