Source: Richmond Craigslist, February 2013
“Wow, you blew my mind when I saw you in Walmart earlier today. You were in Black High Heel Boots and black coat. I was getting bathroom cleaning items and you were looking at the air fresheners section.”
“I was leaving Short Pump Town Center tonight and we were parked next to each other waiting for the light to turn green so we could turn left.”
“Blond in ford suv getting ticket on skipwith. wish I had a chance to say hello.”
“we met in Targets produce isle and began a conversation on the produce and how strange it was that they are now carrying it. … You then said something about the cheese and the feta I believe and I asked you what you knew about feta and goat cheese and you actually showed me what you were talking about.”
“Saw you in court on Tuesday. You are the hottest guy … I ever seen. We had the same attorney.”