Best Local TV News Reporter

First place:

Curt Autry, NBC-12

Second place: Kelly Avellino, NBC-12

Third place: Kristin Smith, WRIC-8

The first-place vote getter for best local TV news reporter and best anchor is none other than NBC-12’s Curt Autry. Hailing from Edmond, Oklahoma, Autry describes himself on social media as a “husband, father, grandfather, anchorman and pot-stirrer on Facebook.” We wish that we could see voters’ comments on these picks, because we’d love to hear all the reasons why Autry scored top honors in both these categories.

We think it may have something to do with veteran experience and being willing to put his own personality out there: Go to his Facebook page and you’ll see he not only has wonderfully defined eyebrows, but he uses hashtags like #JesusTakeTheWheel one moment, then “itPutsTheLotionInTheBasket the next moment when describing a crazy looking dessert his wife made. Over 35 years, Autry has worked at four television stations and learned a little something about how to keep viewers glued to his broadcasts.

He may have gotten a little grumpier as he’s aged, but clearly he still knows how to let that good ‘ole Curt Autry joy shine through. And in the past, he hasn’t been afraid to call a prayer circle when a child goes missing. That’ll get you brownie points in this town.


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