Andrew Freiden, NBC-12
Second Place: Jim Duncan, NBC-12
Third Place: Carrie Rose, CBS-6
Sorry, local weather folks. Freiden’s done it again. Since 2011, voters have overwhelmingly bestowed much love, come rain or shine. He’s knowledgeable, curious and affable even during those rough early mornings. And apparently he’s even been forgiven for the winter of 2014. His quick wit and affinity for hilarious memes make him a Twitter gem as well (@AndrewNBC12). Freiden says viewers enjoy seeing the team have a little fun. “If my boss told me to play it straight all the time,” he says, “I’d be looking for another job! Thankfully the viewers allow me to toss in some jokes and some interesting science knowledge.” Since 1981, his colleague, NBC-12’s chief meteorologist, Jim Duncan, has been helping you appropriately prepare for what’s out there. He’s won his fair share of awards too. After six years, CBS-6’s Carrie Rose may have earned voters’ ballots, but she’s moved on to a new gig at the GRTC Transit System as public relations manager.