Best Late Night Dining

First place:

Capitol Waffle Shop

1110 E. Main St.

Second place: J.R. Crickets

Third place: Galaxy Diner

One of the keys to a strong late-night dining game is knowing you’re going to have people who’ve been drinking, and those people are going to need some food to soak up all that alcohol. And really, you can’t go wrong with waffles.

Located next to Sub Central, the Capitol Waffle shop sits at the bottom of a 14-story office building and only fits about 30 people inside. But it’s slinging waffles 20 hours a day — until 3 a.m. on weekdays and 4 a.m. on weekends. Breakfast and lunches are humming with the business district crowd, and of course, late nights are filled. 

This hidden gem does waffles just about every way imaginable. Even their drinks are waffle themed. That’s right, instead of Sex on a Beach, you’ll have Sex on a Waffle and like it, even rimmed with a waffle edge. One of its most popular specials is a Captain Crunch Chicken Waffle, and if you don’t like the specials they have that night, you can make your own from a host of ingredients. 

“We had a couple drive hours from Covington just to eat here,” says owner Brad Barzoloski, who notes that it does waffle release parties every Friday night at 10 p.m. “Every week we do a special batter just for that night. Baked mac and cheese waffle, ramen waffle, Girl Scout cookies. Could be anything. It’s nuts in there, it gets wild.”

And word is spreading to waffle lovers. The shop has more than 10,000 followers on social media, and Barzoloski says it’s best to follow it for updates on Instagram and Facebook.


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