Spinal Correction Center of Richmond
8536 Patterson Ave.
Second Place: Back in Action
Third Place: Acupuncture Center of Richmond
How do you know the Spinal Correction Center of Richmond is the place to find effective chiropractic and massage treatment? It’s where doctors go. The practice counts many medical professionals among its clients, clinic director Cynthia Mulvaney says, “which is really not common for chiropractors.” She credits this to chiropractor Michael Mulvaney’s “medically minded” approach, in which he works in conjunction with doctors on patients’ treatment plans. He treats extremities and herniated discs, as well as neck, shoulder and back pain. Back in Action has a special focus on treating athletes, and offers acupuncture and cupping in addition to chiropractic and massage treatments. The Acupuncture Center of Richmond treats pain and psychological conditions with Chinese medicine.