Aw, hell. Now they’s nekkidness in th’ opera, too.

Just what does the Virginia Opera think it’s playin’ at, givin’ us a season of wanton women an’ smut with fancy voices? First they throw “Carmen” at us, with all that Spanish lambada and whatnot. Now they’s givin’ us “Susannah,” a singin-show by that Carlisle Floyd. Least this one’s in English so’s I can follow all the caterwaulin’. And set in Tennessee, besides. But still. This one’s about a gal, Susannah (who’s got a body that can set the roosters to crowin’), who gets spied taking a bath in a creek — right out there where God can see — by the church elders. Well now, they rightly accuse her of lustiness and what-all, and the good Reverend Blitch leads the town against her and that soprano voice of her’n. Course, he’s a pre-vert, too, like lotsa church folk are, and her brother’s a drinker, and got a gun, too. Turrible. It’s Fridee, Nov. 24, at 8 p.m. and Sundee, Nov. 26, at 2:30 p.m. at the Landmark. Tickets is $20-$85. 262-8100. S

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