The mayor’s meals tax proposal is the latest in a long line of disingenuous political ploys.
Opinion: It’s time to save The Diamond and move Richmond forward.
Why Richmond's mayor missed a prime opportunity to run for Virginia's highest office.
What’s the point of changing our form of government to see it fail our children?
How did we wind up 50 years later sending vulnerable youngsters back to a school the public had long wanted closed?
Let’s stop wasting $10 million on political patronage and invest it instead in the top kids and families across the city.
Mayor Dwight Jones says the children are “crying out for help.” So let’s help them.
Instead of moral leadership, Richmond suffers from the bigotry of low expectations.
In response to my column “Fantasy Camp,” which in part points out the intentional failure of Richmond’s elected officials to tell the truth about the true state of education in […]