What kind of city do you want to leave for your descendants?
"If our president is too much a political coward to denounce American Nazism openly and clearly, the burden for doing so falls to the states and their residents."
Henry David Thoreau, in Walden’s chapter “Economy,” writes of American naturalist William Bartram’s experience with a Native-American tradition called a busk. Bartram writes that every so often a tribe “would […]
The slimy, sticky, hot weather is upon us, and with it the high season of males dressing terribly. I realize that getting Americans to dress more formally is about as […]
Henrico County’s once-upscale Regency Square Mall evokes a vastly different image than it did 40 years ago, when it put another nail in the coffin for downtown retail. Back then, […]
One day, I noticed that a couple of video files we created a few years back wouldn’t play. At first I shrugged. Gradually, more and more files stopped working, on […]
When I say the word millennial, what image springs to mind? Perhaps some golden child of suburbia, in a pair of flip-flops, with parent-purchased Audi SUV and iPhone, blissed out […]
"As things crumbled, the rulers said do not worry, for a rising tide lifts all boats. They forgot that the boats of the poor were made of paper."
Opinion: In this dark time of ours, so rife with political and environmental upheaval, outer space suddenly is interesting again.
Current events in Iraq may extend as far as our gas pumps, at which point Americans finally will look up from their phones.