A Way With Words

“Whereas loyal Republicans through out [sic] the Commonwealth of Virginia view the treachery and perfidy of H. Russell Potts, Jr., with dismay and anger, and … therefore …

“Be it resolved that the Chesterfield County Republican Committee finds H. Russell Potts, Jr., to be a man devoid of honor, truthfulness, and any sense whatsoever of duty, whose words, deeds, and multifold deceptions embarrass the all [sic] Republicans everywhere and stain the good name of the Republican Party. …

“Be it resolved that the Chesterfield County Republican Committee calls on all Virginians to withhold all support of any kind from H. Russell Potts, Jr.”

This rivals the “Survivor I” version, a homage to Susan Hawk’s final, infamous speech to Kelly Wigglesworth:

Whereas “the game went along, and the two tribes merged, you lied to me, and showed me the true person you were. You’re very two-faced and manipulative to get where you’re at anywhere in life, that’s why you fail all the time. …”

Therefore, Be it resolved that “if I were ever to pass you in this life again, and you were laying there, dying of thirst, I would not give you a drink of water. I’d just let the vultures take you, and do whatever they want with you, with no ill regrets.” — Jason Roop

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