Of all the senses someone can live without, either by birth or from external damage, being blind is perhaps the most difficult. While the greatest challenges for the visually impaired largely rest in the everyday acts of mobility and nonverbal communication, being unable to fully appreciate some of the world’s greatest works of art seems like unique cruelty. Looking to take back some of this exclusion, the Children’s Museum of Richmond presents “A Feel for Color,” a exhibition by artist Sally Barker of quilts designed to mimic famous works of art. With each color in each work represented by a different textured fabric, sightless visitors are encouraged to touch the pieces on display to gain a better understanding. Featuring reproduction of such paintings as van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” and Edvard Munch’s “The Scream,” “A Feel for Color” is scheduled for display through July 24. 474-2667. — Mike Hilleary